CareRanui Pāhara kai
During all levels our foodbank is open in line with government guidelines. Please only come if you are in financial hardship and cannot get to the shops as our food stocks are limited.
Open Tuesday and Friday 9.30am – 11.30am (Closed Easter Friday)
Rānui Baptist Church (back entrance)
464 Swanson Road
Please bring some form of identification and proof of address. Must live in or near Rānui.
For more information please phone 027 261 4330
A pāhara kai is life changing for those struggling to provide nutritious meals for themselves and their families.
Our Foodbank relies on regular donations and funding to maintain the service and provide quality pāhara kai throughout the year.
We wish to thank our Partners
Our Foodbank service is dependent on the generous donations of food and funding grants. Thank you for partnering with us to serve our community.
Make a Koha
If you would like to contribute to our Foodbank service you can make a donation